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Skin Rejuvenation

Procedure Information

Skin Rejuvenation

The humanity has been researching the secret of staying young for centuries. None of us wants to see any wrinkle on our face when we look at the mirror. With passing years and increasing age, marks of the years also increase on our face, but our soul does not get older and we want that our face would also defy the years. Fight with the years gets much easier with the new technologies each passing day. It’s been never known whether we could find the internal youth, but the earlier we start this fight the better results we can get.

Skin rejuvenation methods explained in this page includes the methods that used to decrease the wrinkles and sag on the face and increase elasticity of the face by increasing the collagen that the skin has lost with age.

Beside that the botulinum toxin (dysport) and the facial filler injections can also be used to prevent the skin aging, due to they are not included in the scope of the skin rejuvenation methods for increasing one-to-one collagen, they will be examined in a different section.

We can divide the methods used in the skin rejuvenation treatments for increasing the collagen into 6:

1. Laser systems

2. Radiofrequency systems

3. Focused Ultrasound system

4. Cellular methods

5. Chemical methods

6. Physical methods

1. Skin Rejuvenation with Laser Systems

The laser systems commonly used in skin rejuvenation treatment are Nd:YAG and fractional CO2 lasers.

Skin rejuvenation with the Nd:YAG Laser application:

The collagen synthesis and amount in our skin decrease with the increased age. Satisfaction of the Nd:YAG (Neodymium Yttrium Aluminum Garnet – Nd:Y3AI5O12) laser systems used for decreasing the skin wrinkles and sagging among the patients is quite high. With the effect of the temperature given to our skin by the laser beams rayed out the Nd:YAG laser devices, collagen synthesis increases under the skin.

As well as it depends on the level of wrinkle of our skin, it may be said that averagely 4-6 sessions Nd:YAG laser application to be repeated twice a year is sufficient. Session intervals in these applications should be made biweekly. The most important point in the process of Nd:YAG laser application is to protect the skin from the sun.

Skin Rejuvenation with the Fractional CO2 Laser:

In the aging process, when detrimental effects of the air pollution caused by urban life is also added on the damage caused by sun exposure, the destruction of collagen in our skin gets even faster. Collagen is the main protein of the connective tissue and as the collagen synthesis in our skin decreases, wrinkles start to increase gradually.

The new generation fractional CO2 lasers used for skin rejuvenation open microscopic channels in the skin, as the conventional CO2 lasers affecting all the skin surface cannot make. The purpose in this application is to make the aqueous structures such as collagen, blood vessels, keratinocyte suffer the selective thermal damage. The living cells in the undamaged region next to the region suffered thermal damage migrate to the area suffered thermal damage, and start to stimulate the repair mechanism there.

By way of this mechanism, new collagen synthesis increases under our skin. These mentioned new generation fractional CO2 lasers perform their functions under the skin by inflicting far less damage on the upper surface of our skin than the classical CO2 lasers do, and provide recovery to occur much faster. Thus, patients can return to their social life in a shorter span of time.

2. Skin Rejuvenation with Radiofrequency Systems

While radiofrequency systems heat deeper layers of the skin with radio waves, it does not damage the upper surface under favor of its special head containing special cooler and showing the heat to which the skin reached. The heated collagen shortens and triggers the new collagen synthesis. The skin rejuvenation process starts between 2-3 months. Sessions are applied once a week. According to the condition of the skin, among 4-8 sessions are applied. Session time is between 40-60 minutes.

Fractional Microneedle Radiofrequency; New generation fractional microneedle radiofrequency treatment is a treatment method applied with the gold microneedles of which tips are non-isolated. Since the radiofrequency energy is generated only at the tips of needles, it does not damage upper surface of the skin. In this way it provides the radiofrequency to heat the deeper tissues more effectively.

At the same time, by adjusting lengths of these needles, radiofrequency energy can be given to different depths between 0, 5 and 3, 5 mm. This is called as 3D (three dimensional) scanning. For this reason, the results obtained are much better. Its tissue tightening and lifting features are more than the classical radiofrequency treatment has.

3. Skin Rejuvenation with Focused Ultrasound

In our day in parallel with the technological development, non-surgical skin rejuvenation and tightening procedures can be made with different devices. One of the newest methods in this field is the High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) system.

For What Purposes the High Intensity Focused Ultrasound System Is Used?

This system;

  • Picks up the face oval.
  • Reduces the sagging jowl.
  • Lifts the eyebrows.
  • Provides tightening across the skin and reducing at the fine wrinkles.
  • Reduces the nasolabial channels descending from the nose edge to mouth edges.
  • Narrows the pores.
  • Tightens the neck and décolletage.

How Does the High Intensity Focused Ultrasound System Show Its Effect?

In the method of the High Intensity Focused Ultrasound, the ultrasound wave focuses on the tissue in points. Vibration of the molecules in target area increases. Thermal energy occurs with the friction. Consequently, it controlledly causes coagulation in the deep dermis layer and the fascia that is the fibrous structure on muscle (SMAS). Intense collagen activation develops in these areas which are perceived as scar tissue by the body. Consequently, rejuvenation and tightening occurs on the skin.

4. Skin Rejuvenation with Cellular Methods

In skin rejuvenation with the cellular methods, in order to increase the collagen of which the primary element is the connective tissue, by increasing the person’s own cells in number, they are injected under the skin. One of these methods is the PRP, and the other one is the Fibrocell method.

Skin rejuvenation (Anti-aging) with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) application

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is the abbreviated name of the plasma enriched in platelet (thrombocyte). In the PRP treatment is the method of decomposing the small amount of blood taken from a patient by undergoing a special process and giving the “platelet rich plasma” back to the same person through injection.

Purpose of the PRP treatment is to provide rejuvenation and resurfacing of the skin with stimulating the aged and damaged skin and subcutaneous tissues. Platelet in other word thrombocyte cells is the cells which contain growth factors providing repair of the damaged vessels and other tissues in the body, besides providing the blood clotting.

When tissue damage occurs, repair process starts with the platelets. By PRP application, stem cell activation occurs by transmitting large number of platelet containing growth factors to the region where the application is performed.

Since any foreign substance except the patient’s own blood cells is used in this method, there is absolutely no risk of allergy.

Skin Rejuvenation with Cellular Tissue Regeneration (Fibrocell):

Fibrocell treatment used for the cellular tissue regeneration, is a patented autologous (obtained from the patient’s own tissue) cell treatment. Fibroblastic cells in the tissue taken from patient are generated in laboratory environment and given back to the patient again. Fibroblastic cells are the cells generating matrix fibrils in the connective tissue. These matrix fibrils are responsible for strength and elasticity of the skin.

Fibroblasts heal the skin structure by synthesizing the extracellular matrix components. They provide the scar healing and tissue repair by synthesizing the collagen and matrix fibrils.

5. Skin Rejuvenation with Chemical Methods

What is indicated by the chemical methods is to apply skin regenerating different chemicals on or under the skin. These methods are mesotherapy, hyaluronic acid injections (light filling, youth vaccine), chemical peeling and endopeel.

Skin rejuvenation with mesotherapy (mesolifting):

By combination of the skin damage caused by sunlight with the collagen loss, fullness and appearance of the skin deteriorate negatively. By way of mesotherapy, hyaluronic acid, vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids, salmon DNA and growth factors are injected under the skin.

These substances, by stimulating collagen synthesis under the skin, decelerate the wrinkle formation, provide tightening in the skin and give a brighter appearance to the skin by reducing spots on the skin. It is recommended for the application to be performed once a week, between 4-8 sessions.

Light Filling:

In the light filling application, intense hyaluronic acid, 8 amino acid, 3 antioxidant, 3 mineral and vitamins are given under the skin of person. In this way, a rapid renewal and collagen production occur in the subcutaneous connective tissue. The application should be performed to be once a month, 3 times. However, it may be necessary to perform the application more often and in more number to the persons in advanced age that need skin repair much more.

Youth vaccine:

In the application expressed as youth vaccine, hyaluronic acid is intensively injected under skin of the person. Hyaluronic acid is the main constituent of the collagen. The externally supported collagen is stimulated and its production accelerates. If wrinkle condition of the skin is too much, then the hyaluronic acids of which one part is cross linked can be selected. The effect obtained in this way will be faster and more permanent. The applications should be performed as 3-4 sessions to be at interval from 15 days to 1 month. This cure should be repeated once a year.

Chemical Peeling:

Another method used in the skin rejuvenation is the chemical peeling application. The studies conducted have shown that the dermis layer of the skin in other words the connective tissue thickens after chemical peeling. Consequently, reducing at the fine wrinkles and tightening of the skin are observed. Chemical peeling applications should be performed in the winter period and the post-application skin should be supported with the sun protectors.

The sessions should be performed between 1-3 weeks according to the depth of peeling. According to the condition of person, application between 3-10 sessions should be performed. Light pinkness and denudations with increasing the peeling depth may be in the skin after application.


The endopeel application is a treatment recommended to especially persons sagging start on the facial region of. Arachidonic acid and carbolic acid obtained from peanut are applied into the muscle. Post-injection lifting effect starts in minutes and the face completely reaches its new shape within 10 days. Since this process has peeling effect at the same time, a brighter and vivid skin shows up after the process.

Endopeel is an available method especially for the patients complaining about sagging in their skin and scaring of having a surgical procedure. The creator of this method is a Swiss doctor Alain Tenenbaum. It has been applied in the world for 13 years. There is no any risk of side effect.

This method maintains the effectiveness about 6 months. With the repeated applications, session interval is prolonged. Before performing the application, the skin is anesthetized with a local anesthetic. Mild pain and burning sensation may occur during the application. Oedema lasting a few days and sometimes mild bruises may occur after the application.

Rejuvenation with PDO Threads (Face Lift – Suspension Facelift):

Our face falls downwards with age. Our skin tightness decreases, our face oval starts to deteriorate gradually. In order to stop and pick up this sagging on the face, many non-surgical methods are started to be used anymore in our day. One of them is lifting the face by using PDO (Polydioxanone) threads completely destroyed by the body. This method is more different and more reliable than the method of face lifting with classical threads. While the threads placed under the skin completely melted away within 6-8 months, collagen increases and lifts up the face. The first positive effects start as soon as the threads are placed and reaches maximum within 1-2 months. Its permanence is 1, 5-2 years.

6. Skin Rejuvenation with Physical Methods

Dermatherapy (dermaroller) application in the skin rejuvenation with physical methods is completely based on the needles to create wounds on the face physically.


When it is applied to the skin, it generates micro channels in number between 250-400 numbers at cm². Even if the micro channels opened by needles do not create a wound appearance in real terms, they are perceived as wound by the skin. Even if the consisted micro channels disappear within 15 minutes without a trace, a wound repair mechanism will be triggered in the skin.

In this repair process, especially through the growth factors, the production of substances such as collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin fibrils increases. These produced substances show anti-aging effects in the skin and act as support for removing the fine wrinkle and lines in the skin. At the same time, it helps filling of the acne scars and removing the subjacent fibrous bands.

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